Queensland Model Hobby Expo 2013

Posted: December 27, 2013 in Competitions
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Hello Folks !

Its been a while between post…  It’s not through being idle I can assure you.  I’ve had a pretty packed last few months with study and quite a bit of travel, which has meant something had to give… Writing posts for the Bunker was one of them.  So, I’ve just finished making drafts off all the posts I’ve got to catch up on and this is the first one of thirteen.  The plan is to write them all this afternoon and then release one every second day or so.

So over the next 2-3 weeks you’ll be seeing quite a few posts.  Some of the topics are very interesting indeed…  You’ll see the results of some comps I’ve entered models in, progress on the the World Eaters (of course) a new gaming table I’m working on (cough *Anphelion Base* cough) and maybe even a battle report (or two)

So lets get started with the first post…  This years Queensland Model Hobby Expo.  As usual, it was quite an interesting event.  With the best modellers from all over Queensland entering in one of the 30 something categories.  This year I entered models in two categories and won prizes in both.  In fact, in one of the categories I entered, I won all three places.  They liked the models I entered so much, they even awarded me a two silvers in the same category!

It was my World Eaters that stole the show.  The Spartan, Contemptor Dreadnought and Storm Eagle (no post yet) cleaned up, and my Reaver Titan also got a place.  I actually got approached by the editor of Australia’s only? local modelling magazine, ModelArt Australia to write an article on my Reaver.


So these are the awards I picked up.  I was a little disappointed I didn’t do as well in the Single Figure Open category.  However the man the took the Gold was a good friend of mine who is a very accomplished modeller and being beaten by him isn’t such a bad thing.  The Silver medal missing the plaque is the second Silver that they just ‘invented’ for the category I owned…  I guess they stole it from somewhere else and removed the plaque.
IMG_294002One of the things I really enjoy about going to these types of events is seeing how other modellers do business.  You can learn a lot from other modellers.
IMG_294103 IMG_294204 IMG_294305The classic scene from the classic movie Mad Max.  The film that launched Mel Gibsons’ career.  If you haven’t seen it, go a do it now.  Then watch part two.  Don’t worry about part three…
IMG_294406 IMG_294707Some pretty amazing scratch building

IMG_294808 IMG_294909 Nice IMG_295010 Couldn’t resist taking a photo of this classic.  This was produced by ArmorCast back in the 90’s when they had the licence from Games Workshop to produce some of the models that they didn’t make in 40k scale.  The Titans for Eldar and Adeptus Mechanicus (Titans) were some of these models.  This Eldar Phantom was just a blown up to 40k scale version of its Epic scale counter part.  The paint job on this one was even faithfully reproduced from the Games Workshop Eavy Metal studio paint job of the time.  IMG_295111 IMG_295212 IMG_295313 IMG_295514This rusting train really stole the show.  The modeller that produced this took home basically all the awards that can be won at the Expo.  People choice, best in show, the list goes on.  He deserved it too!  It was an amazing build and tremendous attention to detail paid to even the most subtlest aspect of the weathering.  Simple amazing, and a real source of inspiration.
IMG_295615 IMG_2959163D printers are starting to make their presence felt in the modelling community.  This is a very inexpensive kit that was for sale.
IMG_296417Me getting one of my awards…  I’ve been told that I need to have more photos of me on my blog…

Ok, so overall, it was a great event.  Its basically a staple of the Brisbane modelling scene.  Very well run, and very high quality models on display.  I would like to put a few more models in other categories next year, and of course take out a few more places…

Until the next post…


  1. Steve says:


  2. Aaron Callister says:


    Excellent work mate, congratulations on the medals. It is very nice to see you blogging again, I look forward to the next installment.


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