Archive for the ‘World Eaters’ Category

Good evening everyone,

Just a very quick post tonight.  I wanted to show you all some of my recent additions to my epic scale World Eaters.  The first cab off the rank is the Mastodon.  This model in 40k scale is truly gargantuan.  While I understand it is not a very practical model in gaming terms (it seems over priced?) it is a real show stopper in terms of just cock and balls on the table.  My days of painting 40k scale World Eaters are pretty much over, however I quite enjoy adding new units to my epic scale World Eaters.  So, when I found some epic scale Mastodon’s for sale about two months ago, I just knew I had to get three.  I have no idea why I wanted three, I just seemed like a good idea at the time.


Now, I dropped the ball when I was photographing these minis for this post.  Photographing white minis is difficult…  You’ll just have to bear with me.

So the rules for using Astartes in epic scale can be found here.  I have to admit, the rules for the Mastodon are a little lacklustre.  This is mostly just due to not having enough play testing I suspect.  I did a post on the EpicAU forum discussion possible revisions to the rules.  If you care to contribute, please go and have a look here.

Here is the Mastodon next to a few other minis so you can get an impression of its scale.

As you can see, its been faithfully reproduced.

Next up are three Thunderhawk transporters.  I really just like the idea of these things (much like the Mastodon).  I’ve not yet used them, but to though of being able to drop six rhinos anywhere on the board is very appealing.

So much awesome.

Next up are just some random pics of stuff I’ve completed recently.  I’m a little embarrased to put them up because the quality is so poor, however I don’t have enough time at the moment to re-take them.

Love these things in epic scale.

Red Butchers 

Some Vindicators


Ok folks, thats all for now.

Thanks for dropping in.


Zone Mortalis Board

Posted: January 17, 2016 in Horus Heresy, Scenery, World Eaters

Good afternoon everyone,

Today is a great day, I’ve finally finished a project I’ve wanted to do for the longest time and it’s the second of three posts I promised you before I return to studies.  A Zone Mortalis board.  This blog is festooned with some pretty ambitious scenery/table making projects.  Many of you probably don’t know, but I sold, yes sold, all of my boards late in 2014.  Fear not, they’ve gone to a very good home, and I routinely see pictures of them being put to good use.  Why did I sell them? Well, by taking terrain making to such an extreme (by that I mean a dude tooling around in his garage, not a professional design studio) I learnt some very good lessons.

The lessons boil down into striking a balance between three competing, inter-related issues.  I’ll call them the dark triad.  Playability, robustness & storage.

Playability.  One of the main reasons I wanted to make some awesome terrain in the first place, many years ago, is because we spend so much time and energy on our armies.  Then we go and play games on a piece of MDF with a few (poorly) painted pieces of styrofoam, aquarium plants and a hill here and there thrown on it (if we’re lucky).  Gaming is a social, visual and intellectual pursuit.  It’s a noble hobby and for me, having terrain that matches the time we put into the miniatures we game with is just as important.  However gaming is an abstraction of reality.  Therefore, boundaries need to be easily and identifiably established between say where a road ends, and a crater begins.  What this boils down to is drawing a line between making a massive diorama to play on, versus a wargaming table.  A wargaming table needs zones that can be segregated physically and visually as clearly as possible to conform to the rules system that is being used.  This means making a compromise between a board that looks amazing (a massive diorama) but is difficult to establish where a road ends and a crater begins and a board that can be played on without confusion over where a piece of terrain starts and ends (a wargaming table).  After making boards previously that were a little too close to the diorama side of the house, I now can see that keeping an eye on playability is an important factor when designing and constructing a wargaming table.  Which leads me to my next point.

Robustness.  In a sentence, the cityscape boards I made were not robust.  Yes they looked good, yes there were tones of fun to play on, yes I loved making them (some of the best modelling experiences I’ve had actually).  But they were very fragile (even though I tried to make them durable).  This lead to breaks, and worst of all, friends were worried that when they played on them they might damage something.  This lead to trepidation and a reluctance to put miniatures in certain positions because they were difficult to get access/retrieve said miniature.  It also meant that packing up the board and moving it was a massive logistical exercise.  Particularly because I couldn’t just place all the scenery in a storage box and leave it at that.  It had to go in a certain way, which isn’t a very economical use of space, and even then, breakages were abound.  So, yes a spiral stair case looks badass, was a great modelling challenge, but totally impractical because it was very fragile due to all of the hand rails and putting miniatures on it was a massive pain in the ass.  So again, making a compromise between having a nice looking piece of terrain, and one that can stand up to the rigors and demands of being used during gaming, moved from one location to another for a game is critical.  That balance that needs to be struck is again in favour of being first and foremost a robust piece of scenery, then a good looking one after that.

Storage.  Lets face it, we all have lots of stuff these days.  Just our armies alone can take up a considerable amount of space.  Now imagine the storage space needed for 6, 2′ x 2′ tiles plus the terrain that goes on them.  Unless you’re fortunate enough to have a permanent gaming room with a table and shelving set up, storing the board tiles and scenery is challenging.  This is compounded when you want to transport it all from one location to another.

So, this has lead me to the conclusion that wargaming scenery needs to be visually appealing, but not over the top so that it compromises its robustness, playable and finally, easy to store when not in use or being transported.  I intend on making one or two more boards (an epic scale 30k board, think Istvaan III, Choral City post fire storm and a ruined/abandoned/city of death style board for 30k).  When designing and constructing these boards, striking a balance between the dark triad, with more weight being placed on playability, robustness and storage will be the order of the day.

Well, with that said, here is the first board I’ve produced in a long time.  This scenery ticks all of the boxes.  It’s very playable, no confusion where something starts and ends, plus it looks amazing.  It’s robust, seriously, this stuff (whatever resin FW uses) is strong.  As a side note, I suspected that the more recent castings of these tiles has more resin in it than older ones.  A few weekends ago, I took a new board piece along to a tournament I was playing in with a small set of scales, knowing that it would have a Zone Mortalis table.  Anyway, the old piece of the same design tile weighed in at 720g, while the new piece weighed in at 980g.  Thats a significant difference.  It is also apparent in FW’s larger Realm of Battle tiles.  If you recall from previous posts, there were significant warpage issues with the older tiles.  Well, not any more.  As a part of this purchase, I also got one of the new Industrial Complex tiles because I liked the detail on them and wanted to use it as scatter terrain for the board.  Anyway, it is seriously heavy (and very well packed too).  So good work to FW for improving their products.  These things are tough.

They’re also easy to store, I can fit the entire 4’x6′ board in two 500mm cardboard boxes.  Nice.  This has gotten me thinking about other board systems that use a 12″x12″ tiles, as opposed to FW’s 24″x24″ system (Secret Weapon I’m looking at you).  It seems to be a lot more transportable and easier to use and manage.

So on to the pics.  As you know, I really like my boards to tell a story.  This is meant to be a flight deck of sorts on the Conqueror.  I took inspiration from FW’s amazing display board they did a few years back on a similar theme.   Zone Mortalis Zone Mortalis Zone Mortalis Zone Mortalis

All World Eater’s ships need a dueling arena don’t they?  Plus it just looks cool stencilled onto a tile.  I plan on making a frame for this one tile, so that it resembles a pit when not being used on a ZM board.  For Primarch/named character fights that have become fashionable at clubs and tournaments recently.  Two men go in, one man comes out, n’that…        Zone Mortalis

I actually made those fuel pods myself.  If you cast your mind back a few years, FW actually made a similar one.  I tried getting hold of one from eBay, but it sold for $250AUD!!!.  So I thought, just make one… it’ll be fun, and a lot less expensive.  So I did.  Here is what the original looked like.  I think the piece of PVC pipe was the most expensive bit ($2).  Moral of the story, buy FW terrain, it’s a good investment.

IMG_5013  Zone Mortalis

As I mentioned, I cut off some random bits of detail from a FW tile to have as scatter terrain (see those generator things?)  I also made up some containers from old Necromunda bulkheads.  Good times.

Ok, thats me for the time being.  My next project is on the bench and under coated.  Want to see it?


What could it be?

Zone Mortalis

So next weekend I’m off to Canberra for CanCon to play in an Epic Armageddon comp.  It should be interesting.  I’ll do a short post on it with some pics.

Until then, take care


I finally finished study for the year, which means that I now have time to do some painting and gaming.  To kick things off, I attacked this Epic Scale World Eaters army I’ve been nursing for the past seven months.

A few years ago I was at a 40k tournament and noticed that there was an Epic Armageddon tournament also happening on the other side of the hall.  Always intrigued by Epic Scale, I went and had a look.  To my surprise, I noticed that fans were now producing their own miniatures, in spite of Games Workshop abandoning the system almost a decade ago.  Since that point in time, I’ve been hooked.  I have to say, these fan made miniatures are superb.  If you look at the post just before this one, where I painted an Epic Armageddon Renegade Milita army, you’ll see what I mean.  The fans that make these models appear to design them using CAD, then 3D print them out.  The quality and attention to detail is truly astonishing.  A real testament to the dedication and commitment that members of the gaming community have to the hobby.

So after much researching, I discovered there is a hardcore, dedicated community that still play using the Epic Armageddon rules set.  To bring the system to modern standards, the community has created their own supplements to contemporarise the army offerings in Epic Scale that have since been made available in 28mm scale that were not around when GW abandoned the Epic format.  These rules (not surprisingly) are balanced and comprehensive.

There are a few very positive aspects of this ‘garage’ version of Epic Armageddon when compared to its 28mm counterpart.  The first is cost.  The army that you see below, which is about 5,500pts worth (most 30k Epic scale games are 4,000pts) only cost me around $400AUD. (interestingly, 40k Epic Scale games are around 3,000pts)  The other point is storage.  If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I (used to) have a vast collection of armies, Titans and scenery.  These armies and scenery are very difficult to store.  A 5,500 point Epic army fits very comfortably into a shoe box.  Finally, the actual game itself.  This is a real tacticians game that is very interactive and dynamic.  It’s not a strict “you go, then I’ll go” style of play such as that found in 28mm scale 40k.  This means that rates of advance, synchronising the effects of supporting units (so called force multipliers), weapons ranges, weapon effects, terrain and close air support are all critical considerations (far beyond that of 28mm 40k).  I’ve only had a handful of games, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed each game, and learnt more and more each time.  As well as deepening  my appreciation of the subtleties and nuances of the gaming architecture of the system too.

If you’d like to download a copy of the core rulebook, it’s available here.  You’ll also find there many of the army lists for the various 40k races.  If you’re interested in using this system for games of 30k (as far as I’m concerned, Epic Scale is the scale that 30k should be played in, and will be my hobby/gaming focus for the foreseeable future), you can find an excellent fan site with the various Legion rules here.  This last site is very good, as it has, amongst other things, an excellent outline of how to build an army list, along with army lists summaries and quick reference sheets.  If you think of this site as a supplement for the core rules, similar to how a Codex works in 40k, that will help put it into perspective.  I doubt I’ll get into Epic Scale 40k in any meaningful way, for the same reason I’ve more or less abandoned 28mm scale 40k (its become a caricature/parody of itself).

Ok, let me give you a quick breakdown of what I’ve put together here.

Traitor World Eaters
Unit Qty Uprade Pts
Legion Detachments
Tactical Detachment 1 8 x Tacticals 275
1 Drop Pods 25
4 Tactical Spt Squad 200
1 Lieutenant Commander 50
Tactical Detachment 1 8 x Tacticals 275
4 Heavy Spt Squad 200
1 Centurion 50
Tactical Detachment 1 8 x Tacticals & Rhinos 275
4 Heavy Spt Squad 200
1 Centurion 50
Legion Support Detachments
Rampager Squad 1 6 RP & Centurion 350
Rampager Squad 1 6 RP & Centurion 350
Thunder Hawk 1 200
Thunder Hawk 1 200
Strike Cruiser 1 200
Contemptor Dreadnought 4 Drop Pods 265
Landraider Battle Squadron 6 480
Storm Eagle 3 375
Legion Lords of War
Angron 1 Teleport 475
Fire Raptor Wing 2 300
Fellblade 1 250
Glaive 1 250

Here is the army in full…

World Eaters Epic Scale Family Shot

Ok, so now some details shots

World Eaters Epic Scale Angron

Angron, Primarch of the XII Legion, The Red Angel

World Eaters Epic Scale Comparision

A quick scale comparison.

World Eaters Epic Scale Infantry

The first Tactical Detachment. Note the Tactical Support squad at the rear

World Eaters Epic Scale Infantry 2

The second Tactical Support Detachment

World Eaters Epic Scale Heavy Weapons

The second Tactical detachment, with a closeup of the heavy weapons

World Eaters Epic Scale Rhinos

The Rhinos for the third Tactical Detachment

World Eaters Epic Scale Drop Pod

One of the two drop pods, utilised for the first Tactical Detachment and the Contemptor Dreadnoughts

World Eaters Epic Scale Contemptor Dreadnoughts

Contemptor Dreadnoughts

World Eaters Epic Scale Objective 4

Objectives play an important role in Epic Armageddon. Each side requires three. I decided to make destroyed/crashed vehicles with injured/wounded/survivors to rescue.

World Eaters Epic Scale Objective 1 World Eaters Epic Scale Objective 2 World Eaters Epic Scale Objective 3

World Eaters Epic Scale Landraiders

The Landraider Battle Squad

World Eaters Epic Scale Thunderhawk 1

One of the two Thunderhawks. To be thorough, I created both a flying and a landed base. You’ll notice the ‘cleared landing zone’ on the landed base. I really can’t stand Astarte’s flyers with their landing gear permanently down.

World Eaters Epic Scale Thunderhawk 3 World Eaters Epic Scale Thunderhawk 2

World Eaters Epic Scale Fellglave


World Eaters Epic Scale Fellblade


World Eaters Epic Scale Storm Eagle 1

Storm Eagles

World Eaters Epic Scale Storm Eagle 2 World Eaters Epic Scale Storm Eagle 3

World Eaters Epic Scale Fire raptors

Fire Raptor

There you go.  I’ve had one game with them (I got hammered, thanks Alan).  I plan on adding some Spartan’s, Rampagers (there are now some fan made ones, I used assault marines in this incarnation), Predators, Vindicators, plus a few other random bits and pieces.

A quick note on the the bases.  A few people who’ve seen this army already have asked me where I got the flying stands from, and the tank bases.  I’m a real stickler for consistency.  The bases for the infantry are the rectangle ones that GW produced back in the day, so I wanted everything else to be rectangular too.  The various sized bases for the tanks etc are generic Flames of War bases produced by a British company called Plastic Soldier.  It’s there “15mm Mixed Base Set”.  The flight stands are from Hawk Wargames.  I just take the clear rod part and attachment and fix it to a plastic soldier base.  I did consider the GW flying bases, but this would mean they’d be round and also, I wanted the flyers to have a little bit of height on the table too.  GW stems are quite short.

One final thing.  I’ve not posted for well over 10 months.  However I wanted to say thank you for everyone that keep on visiting this blog while I was away.  It’s astonishing how many people visit this blog on a daily basis, even when I’ve not produced any new content for such a long time.  So thanks for you’re continued interest and support.

I’ve already got my next three projects on the bench, so stay tuned.

Thanks for dropping in.


Hello everyone!


Its been a while I know.  Doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking of you though.  Things have been pretty hectic to be honest.  Lots of commitments, namely family and study.  However that doesn’t mean I’ve not been doing anything.  I’ve got a few projects on the boil at the moment painting and hobby wise (more on that later).  However my World Eaters are still my focus.  Since completing the units you’re about to look at a few weeks ago, I’ve had a few games and have really enjoyed myself.  In fact, having a few games really re-inspired me.  I’m still focused on getting a pretty large infantry based World Eaters army together.  It just takes a lot of time, preparing, assembling and painting all those infantry.  You’ll be happy to hear that I can now quite comfortably field a 2,500pt force.  I’ve just today began preparing the third tranche of World Eaters.  More infantry and a Typhon…  With any luck you’ll see that sooner rather than later.  This is because I am aiming to play in a 30k tournament here in Brisbane in October and I’d really like to take a tone of infantry.  It seems the way to use the World Eaters… so much so they even have a Rite of War: Berserker Assault dedicated to the idea.


So, what do we have here in today post?

First up is a loyalist World Eater – Centurion Shabran Darr.

He’s based off of the Flesh Tears Gabriel Seth model.  I just did a few minor conversions to fit Darr’s description a little better.  Originally I really liked the head that came with Seth, however after painting it, I was pretty unimpressed with its lack of expression.  I added the butchers nails to his cranium.  
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Next up is our friendly neighbourhood Master of Signal (Centurion w/consul upgrade).  I like this guy, both in game and model terms.  Firstly, I like the D3 templates he can drop on marines heads.  Nice.  Plus, the model is pretty cool and reminds me of a Rogue Trader era model from WAY back in the day.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA These guys are just a must have for your Legion Tactical Squad.  What more can I say.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I don’t really know what I was thinking when I painted or even thought up the idea to have these fools in my army.  Oh well, they’re done now.  Legion Tactical Support Squad.  Plasma guns are cool though.  Hoses squads of marines.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Last but not lease, the work horses of the Legion, the Legion Tactical Squad.  I aim to have three squads of 20 of these guys for the World Eaters.  They’re just so versatile.  Plus they look legit on the table.  Nothing says ‘get off the table’ like 20 marines unleashing fury of the legion on a prone foe.  

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell my friends, thats it for now.  I’ll leave you with a little sneak peak on a small side project I’ve got going on… I’ll do a more thorough post on it in the future, but for now….




I’ve been wanting to make some awesome objective markers for my World Eaters army for some time now.  I got a bolt of inspiration when I was painting Angron.  On his base (as well as Fulgrims and Ferrus Manus) are dead and dying space marines.  I thought to myself that these models would make great objective markers.  However the thought of desecrating a Primarchs base was too much to contemplate (especially the $$).  However after a lot of thought I decided just to do it… and this is what I came up with

World Eaters Objective Markers

In this photo, they are still not finished, but it’ll give you a pretty good idea of where I’m going with them.  The white plates are for dice to rest on so players can indicated what mysterious objective they represent.  I actually plan on molding these and making casts of them once they’re complete.  I plan on giving them away to participants at The Emperors Legions, a 1000pt, 30k comp I’m running in March of 2014.

Thats it for now, thanks for dropping in


So this is 2013’s entry into Armies on Parade.  It consisted of a ‘turned’ force of World Eaters space marines, accompanied by their new allies.  Daemons of Khorne.  Specifically, the amazing Blood Thirster made by Forge World and some Bloodletters.

This year GW decided not to have a Games Day in Australia.  So they decided to still do the Armies on Parade competition, however photos of the winning entries from each store would be sent to head office and put up on GW’s website for everyone to vote on.  Yet again I won the store comp but didn’t win the overall comp.  I hope GW decided to have a Games Day for Australia this year.  Even though I live 1,000km away, its well worth the expense and effort to get there.



It was still good to get the shop award though

Thanks for dropping in


So, if you want to smoke a whole bunch of marines quickly from afar what do you use?  Plasma cannons.

For those that follow this blog regularly will know that I’m doing both a Loyalist and Traitor World Eaters army.  To distinguish between the two forces, the Loyalists will all be in Mk 4 armour, while the Traitors will be all in Mk 2 armour.  So these guys are Loyalists.

I’ve actually got the rest of the 2000pt Loyalist army on the painting table at the moment, so with any luck I’ll have a few more posts coming up shortly with the rest of these heavy hitters.  It’d be nice to be able to field 2000pts of World Eaters marines.  Mostly infantry too.  I really like marines in 30k.  In fact, I prefer to play 30k these days more than 40k.  Much more interesting game.

I actually used these guys a little while ago in a game.  A squad of Terminators teleported just near them.  The Terminators didn’t move when they deployed (ran in the shooting phase) so were very closely grouped together.  Next turn, these guys smoked them to a man.  Nice.

Devestators 2

Ok, thats it for now, until next time


Such a great model.  Major pain in the ass to assemble though.  I assembled mine with the landing gear up too.  When the landing gear is down, it sort of reminds me of a chicken flying.  You know, because they don’t actually fly, they have to leave their feet down?  Anyway, I much rather the look of it with the gear up.  Looks like a predator.  It does make it super hard to transport though.

Apologies about the picture too.  My light box that I photograph most of my models in, isn’t that great at larger models like this.  I think you get the gist though.  It’s pretty amazing on the board too.  It owns the sky, and can take a real beating and keep going.

I’ve since replaced the GW flying stand with a clear piece of rod.  I can’t stand the GW flying stand.  WTF were they thinking?!?!


My World Eaters force is really getting some colour to it now.  I’ve got Angron, Terminators, Spartan, Contemptor Dreadnought, the Storm Eagle, Rampagers and one more unit… to come in the next post…

Thanks for dropping in


World Eaters Ravagers

Posted: December 30, 2013 in World Eaters
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This will be a very quick post.  Just more of a ‘look what I’ve finished painting’ sort of thing.

So this is a World Eater ‘Rampager’ Squad.  Basically these guys have all had the Butchers Nails implanted into their brain.  I’ve put them all in MkII armour.  Consistent with the World Eaters preference for this Mk of armour.  World Eaters Rampager
World Eaters Rampager Champion
World Eaters Rampager Legionaire 1
World Eaters Rampager LegionaireThats it for now, thanks for dropping in.


Ok, I know what you’re thinking…. ‘not another Angron’

I agree, this model has been really hammered since its release.  With good reason.  It’s AMAZING.  The amount of detail, the pose and the facial expression of this model are sublime.

I’ve actually just finished reading ‘Betrayer’ by the man, Aaron Dembski-Bowden.  If you haven’t checked it out, its well worth a look.  ADB’s books are always superb.  This book really goes into the personality of this Primarch, and its a lot more disturbed than I’d imagined.  This is one tortured soul, not only because of the nails, but also because of his enslavement and the deep wound left by the Emperor as a result of his ‘recuse’.  Towards the end of the book is a very interesting dialogue between Angron and the Primarch of the Ultramarines, Guilliman.  This dialogue provides a very telling insight into this Primarchs’ inner daemons, and why it was so easy for Lorgar to turn him.  Suffice to say, its a great book.

So the model… here are the pics.

Angron back

Angron faceAs far as I’m concerned, Simon Egan is a genius.  He has given us so many magnificent models over the years, Inquisitor Hector Rex comes to mind, and more recent triumphs such as Angron and Ferrus Manus are to name but a few.

I have to say though, the face of Angron is simply amazing.  It’s very hard to paint because of how its positioned on the model, however it looks just like how I’d imagined him to look.  The only thing I wish I’d done differently now is painted his teeth silver.  Angron had his lips removed, his teeth replaced with ‘iron’ ones, face tattooed and Butchers Nails implanted into his brain by the Gladiator masters.

In game terms, this guy is a hardcore badass.  Basically unstoppable.  On the board he’s like a shark swimming through a school of bait fish.  Everything just tries to get away from him (often unsuccessfully)  You can actually take him in a 2000pt game.  On that scale of game, he really owns the table.

Ok, I hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures.

Until next time, thanks for dropping in.
